The David The Dreidel

How Did This Chanukah Character Get Created?

The first few stanzas of David the Dreidel were written years ago, during my time as “Head of the Fun-raising Committee” and Marketing Coordinator at the Boulder JCC. I had a knack for creating parody songs like “Just Donate” and “Welcome to Purim”

The First David The Dreidel AppearanceThe idea behind David the Dreidel actually started as a joke. While planning our young professional Chanukah party, my committee convinced me to lead the opening ceremony dressed in an adult dreidel costume. Then, on the day before the first night of Chanukah, I wore the costume to the preschool and the kids lit up with excitement when they saw an adult-sized dreidel. The costume quickly took a life of its own, showing up at Chanukah concerts and community events, all the while making children laugh and smile! 

the-original-david-the-dreidelI went home buzzing with the joy of the holiday after one of these events and the song idea hit me in the middle of the night. For years it never went beyond my notebook or a few stray bars hummed with friends. 

Then, 2 years ago, my daughter was born and she instantly had a deep love for books. After celebrating this past Chanukah with her and seeing her joy when I sang the David the Dreidel song, I was inspired to turn the song into a full-length children’s book to share with my daughter and kiddos across the world!

In the fall of 2021, I launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the first run of books and gain support for this project. After surpassing our goal, I’m so excited to share David The Dreidel!

David The Dreidel (2)Childrens-Chanukah-Story-David-the-Dreidel

David The Dreidel © 2021  |

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